Security Inbox

Centralized Threat Management for Enhanced Security

InSAT’s Security Inbox serves as your organization’s centralized platform for efficiently managing and mitigating cybersecurity threats. This intuitive solution empowers employees to report suspicious emails, streamlining the identification and response process. With advanced analysis tools that prioritize reported incidents, Security Inbox ensures rapid and effective responses to the most critical threats, thereby strengthening your organization’s security posture and reducing the risk of successful cyberattacks.

Threat Mitigation

Security Inbox centralizes email threat alerts, enabling a comprehensive view and prioritization of potential risks. With advanced filtering and analysis, it distinguishes between legitimate emails and threats, ensuring rapid and effective responses to prevent phishing and malware attacks.

Attack Replication

The Attack Replication feature creates safe, teachable simulations by replacing harmful elements in real phishing emails with harmless ones. This allows employees to train on realistic scenarios, enhancing their preparedness and response to genuine phishing threats.

Security Inbox not only streamlines the management of email threats but also transforms your employees into active participants in your cybersecurity defense strategy. By centralizing threat management and offering realistic training experiences, it bolsters your organization’s resilience against evolving cyber threats.